OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect

The openIDConnect auth provider is a generic provider that can be used with any OpenID Connect compliant identity provider.


Open your project's wundergraph.config.ts and scroll down to the authentication object. Add the openIDConnect provider to the providers array.

import { openIDConnect } from '@wundergraph/sdk/auth';
export default {
  // ...
  authentication: {
    providers: [
        id: 'oidc', // you have to choose this ID
        issuer: new EnvironmentVariable('OIDC_ISSUER'),
        clientId: new EnvironmentVariable('OIDC_CLIENT_ID'),
        clientSecret: new EnvironmentVariable('OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET'),

The openIDConnect function takes the following arguments:

  • id: an unique id that identifies the provider, used to reference the provider in the clients
  • issuer: the issuer provided by your identity provider
  • clientId: the client ID provided by your identity provider
  • clientSecret: the client secret provided by your identity provider

On production you have to configure cookie keys and crsf token secret to make sure your application is secure.

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