REST / OpenAPI DataSource
REST is the most commonly used style to build public APIs. With WunderGraph, you're able to turn any REST API specified by an OpenAPI Specification into a GraphQL API. This way, you can treat it like any other GraphQL API and even stitch it together with other APIs.
To add a REST data source, edit wundergraph/wundergraph.config.ts
and introspect the API like the config below.
import type { WunderGraphConfig } from '@wundergraph/sdk';
import { openapi } from '@wundergraph/sdk/datasources';
const jsp = openapi({
namespace: 'jsp',
source: {
kind: 'file',
filePath: '../countries.json', // this is the OpenAPI specification.
export default {
datasources: [jsp],
} satisfies WunderGraphConfig;
The REST data source is now added to your virtual graph and you can now write operations against it.
query {
jsp_countries {