
SOAP DataSource

The SOAP data source introspects WSDL and generates a GraphQL schema from it.


The SOAP integration requires an enterprise license. Contact sales (opens in a new tab) for more information.

Example Configuration

Edit wundergraph/wundergraph.config.ts and add the following:

import { WunderGraphConfig } from '@wundergraph/sdk';
import { soap } from '@wundergraph/sdk/enterprise';
const greeting = soap({
	namespace: 'greeting',
	source: {
		kind: 'file',
		filePath: './greeting.wsdl',
	headers: (builder) =>
		builder.addClientRequestHeader('X-Authorization', 'Authorization').addStaticHeader('X-Static', 'Static'),
export default {
	datasources: [greeting],
} satisfies WunderGraphConfig;

WunderGraph will automatically cache the introspection result in the local file-system.

Specifying service address

OAS datasource will use SOAP address from the WSDL file. At the moment, it is not possible to override the address via introspection options.

Generated schema

Here's an example schema:

type Mutation {
	greeting_GreetingApp_Greeting_Service_Greeting_Port_SayHi(name: String = ""): String

Which you will get from this wsdl:

<definitions name = "GreetingService"
   targetNamespace = ""
   xmlns = ""
   xmlns:soap = ""
   xmlns:tns = ""
   xmlns:xsd = "">
   <message name = "SayHiRequest">
      <part name = "name" type = "xsd:string"/>
   <message name = "SayHiResponse">
      <part name = "greeting" type = "xsd:string"/>
   <portType name = "Greeting_PortType">
      <operation name = "SayHi">
         <input message = "tns:SayHiRequest"/>
         <output message = "tns:SayHiResponse"/>
   <binding name = "Greeting_Binding" type = "tns:Greeting_PortType">
      <soap:binding style = "rpc"
         transport = ""/>
      <operation name = "SayHi">
         <soap:operation soapAction = "SayHi"/>
               encodingStyle = ""
               namespace = "urn:examples:Greetingservice"
               use = "encoded"/>
               encodingStyle = ""
               namespace = "urn:examples:Greetingservice"
               use = "encoded"/>
   <service name = "Greeting_Service">
      <documentation>WSDL File for GreetingService</documentation>
      <port binding = "tns:Greeting_Binding" name = "Greeting_Port">
            location = "http://www.example.example/Greeting/" />