Getting started

This quick start guide will help you to start a new WunderGraph project from scratch, or add WunderGraph to an existing project.

Install WunderGraph

Manual installation

npm install @wundergraph/sdk

Using create-wundergraph-app

# Init a new project
npx create-wundergraph-app my-project --example simple
# Move to the project directory
cd my-project
# Install dependencies
npm i

You can also easily integrate WunderGraph into your existing projects.

# In your application directory
npx create-wundergraph-app --init

Configure WunderGraph

Your WunderGraph project is configured in the wundergraph directory. This is where you can configure your WunderGraph application and write your operations.

Create a wundergraph.config.ts file in the wundergraph directory and add the following content:

import type { WunderGraphConfig } from '@wundergraph/sdk';
import { graphql } from '@wundergraph/sdk/datasources';
const countries = graphql({
	namespace: 'countries',
	url: '',
export default {
	datasources: [countries],
} satisfies WunderGraphConfig;

Let's dissect what is going on here.

First, we import the WunderGraphConfig type from the @wundergraph/sdk package. This type is used to validate the configuration.

Next, we import the graphql datasource from @wundergraph/sdk/datasources. This function is used to create a new GraphQL datasource.

Then we create a new datasource called countries and add it to our datasources array. Now the countries GraphQL API will be added to the Virtual Graph and it can be used in our operations.

Write your first operation

Operations are written in the wundergraph/operations directory. They can be written in Graphql or TypeScript.

Create your first operation in wundergraph/operations/Countries.graphql

query Countries($filter: countries_CountryFilterInput) {
	countries_countries(filter: $filter) {

Start the WunderGraph server

Now that we've configured our WunderGraph application and written our first operation, we can start the WunderGraph server.

npm run wunderctl up

WunderGraph will now do some code generation and start the server. Head over to http://localhost:9991 (opens in a new tab) and you should see the WunderGraph status page.

Now lets run our query, open the following URL in your browser: http://localhost:9991/operations/Countries (opens in a new tab)

You'll see a JSON response with a list of countries. Pretty cool, right? Let's take a look at how this works.

Modify your operations


To add autocomplete support to your GraphQL operations configure .graphqlrc.yml. How to guide.

The input type and query are prefixed with countries_ because we're using the countries API namespace in the datasource config. This is to avoid naming conflicts when you add multiple APIs to your WunderGraph application.

We'll make a few improvements to the API. First, let's remove the countries_ prefix from the result, so we can access the result without the countries_ prefix.

query Countries($filter: countries_CountryFilterInput) {
	countries: countries_countries(filter: $filter) {

If you run the operation again, you'll see that the result is the same, but the countries can now be accessed without the countries_ prefix.

Now we can add some extra data to the result. Let's add the continent and currency fields to the result.

query Countries($filter: countries_CountryFilterInput) {
	countries: countries_countries(filter: $filter) {
		continent {

If you run the operation again, you'll see that the result now contains the continent and currency fields.

Awesome! You now have a basic understanding how WunderGraph works. The next step is to consume the API from your frontend, continue with one of our frontend quickstarts:

More Examples

Have a look at other examples we provide, to get a better understanding of WunderGraph.

If you've got questions, please join our Discord community (opens in a new tab) or contact us (opens in a new tab).